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Photo: © Elizabeth Riley
"Thirteen Moons" 2014 Grayhawk Perkins & Mezcal Jazz Unit / Label Emoi.
"Ici et Ailleurs" 2012 Mezcal Jazz Unit / Label Emoi.
"Shantu" 2009 Mezcal Jazz Unit+ Shantu / Label Emoi. Dist. Mosaic.
"One" 2007 Mezcal Jazz Unit+ Bickram Ghosh / Sarregama, India.
"Life is good" 2006 Fanfare Les Tetaclak
"Ru Rung (Jungle Lullaby)" 2006 Tran Manh Tuan
"Tim Gio" 2005 Mezcal Jazz Unit + Tran Manh Tuan / Label Emoi.
"le Best of #1" 2005 Mezcal Jazz Unit / Célia. Dist. Mosaic.
"Môt Hai Bâ Bôn" 2004 Mezcal Jazz Unit / Célia. Dist. Mosaic.
"in concerto"1998 Mezcal Jazz Unit / Célia. Dist. Musidisc.
"Ignalina"1996 Mezcal Jazz Unit / Célia. Dist. Musidisc.
"Atche de!"1992 Mezcal Jazz Unit / N.I.L Record. Dist.Baillemont.
"Partage"1992 Jeff Coralini / N.I.L Record. Dist; Baillemont. .

Born in1964
Born in a well known jazz musicians family , he has developed a very personal way of playing very rhythmic and in the same time close to the sung voice. Its scenic ease and its Latin temperament make, furthermore, a very sought musician. Also saxophone teacher in a Musical School.

Member of Mezcal Jazz Unit since 1991. Concerts and tour with Mezcal Jazz Unit in Europe, Asia, Africa, America.
Member of La Nouvelle Collection", fashion fanfare Spectacle,"Cinq à Sète", street band.

Musicial clown in "Tetaklak", funky marching band, "Le Fifrelin volant", performances for children 1998,La Cie "Justin Petit Pois", Street theater & performances 1996- 97.
Member et co-leader of the group "BabaJogo", Brazilian Brass Band in 1997-98.
Creations & performances with "Etranjico Trio"/Jean Tricot. Tour in Cuba en 1996.

Concerts with" Regg'Lyss", "Scatitude", "Stromboli salsa", "Crocoloco". 1994-98
Some tours in France with "La Compagnie du Jazz" (swing) 1989-91.